Tuesday 14 June 2016

My 3 years at the middle school

Hello I'm Lorenzo and i'm going to talk about my 3 years at the middle school. During the first year we've known us and there were many quarrels that many of us have tried to resolve. It was a long year, but it was also a fantastic one where we joined together. At the first day of middle school my   friends were Pietro, Cesare and Cesare, who i've met at the elementary school, but immediately i've met many other friends who entered in my life. Next the first year, the second  one was equal. The third year was very strange: many other friends, many quarrels, many fight for the mark...But at the end of this year the big part of these strange things stopped. Now we have the final exam so we study a lot, we don't go out for a lot of time and we are very tired so we wait the holidays. Apart this, these three years were the most amazing three years of my life. Thanks to my friends and to my teachers.

Friday 10 June 2016


We have arrived at the end of these three years of middle school. During these years I met really nice friends and teachers really nice. Next year I will go to high school and I'm a little bit afraid because I was told that it's a very difficult school. I'm worried about the exams but I'm sure that our teachers will help us... I hope so!

my years in the middle school

this year was the last in the middle school. I'm very sad because I won't see again my friends, teachers. I spent years of really beautiful, with my classmate I laughed, cried and quarreled but it served to become even more friends. I hope to review all very soon!
with love,
Rachele G.

Thursday 9 June 2016

My years in the middle school

This year was very important because it was the last year in the Middle School. The exam at the end of this year is what I fear most. These years were fantastic and all my friends have grown a lot even if someone behaves like a stupid. This year was more difficult than other ones because I studied a lot. But now the lessons are finished.  Lately I have to known better one of my classmates but unfortunately next year we’ll go to a different High School so I won’t see her enough. I’ve never tied with all my classmates but next year I’ll meet new people. I’m worried but I’m optimistic too.

The end of the school

The three years of the middle school are about to end. (I hope )
I am not sad, because lots of my friends will come at the High School with me and the summer is coming.
But I know that tears will be in my eyes, because my other friends will go in other schools and we won't meet for a long time.
These years in my school were interesting and funny, my teachers were very friendly and available.
Now I have the exams, we have 7 test of exams, the students older than me say that they are easy but I am a bit' worried. 
This is the last year in the middle school.
In these three years I had the chance to know very nice people and very nice teachers.
I'm worry about the exams but I also sad because I won't see my friends as often as now.
I hope we'll be in touch.