Tuesday 29 September 2015


Hi friends!!!
I am Anita and I am 13 years old and I am from Pisa.
My favorite sport is swimming, I swim everydays, I love it.
I like play piano and violin.
My favorite subjects are maths, English, history, German and I.T.
I haven't got many brother or sister, I am an only child.
My best friends is Lully, she's 14 and she's from Cambogia.
She's orphan, but age was adopted when she was 5 years and now she live in Genova.
 She has got a little sister, Giada.
Giada is 5 years and she's adopted too.
We meet in summer at the sea and we usually play volley, tennis or with cards and in the evening we go out.
Bye.          ANITA :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anita! So, you swim every day and like playing the piano and the violin. You haven't got any brothers or sisters and your best friend is an orphan. Very interesting.. Well done Anita!
